Posts tagged as #history
The Old Men of Ancient Warfare
Modern preconceptions of ancient warfare place significant emphasis on the virtues of youth. This is a clear misconception however…
The Symbolism of the Athenian Owl
It is often in unexpected places that we find references to classical antiquity. Today, while catching up on another favourite past time…
The Walking Dead of Ancient Rome
One of my all time favourite comics (and now television show by AMC) is The Walking Dead. The show depicts a post apocalyptic world filled…
SEO and Digital Archaeology
The AIRC Unlisted Conference recently featured a video on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in Digital Archaeology . This naturally…
Debt Slavery in Ancient Rome
While many modern people might consider ourselves figuratively slaves to debt, it was literally the case in early Rome. Citizens unable to…
Secession of the Flute Players (311 BC)
There have been many famous secessions in Ancient Rome (the multiple secessions of the plebeians immediately springs to mind). However…
Lucius Cornelius Sulla - Career & Reforms
The career of Lucius Cornelius Sulla remains an enigma on the political landscape of the Roman Republic. An aristocrat that achieved the…
Religion and Superstition for the Romans
For the ancient Romans, there was a clear distinction between practices that could be defined as religious and those that were a…
Awards and Commendations in the Roman Army
As a follow on from our previous post on the Punishments in the Roman Army is an examination of the rewards and commendations on offer…
Marius, Cato, and Roman Class Conflict
In the second century BC, the Roman aristocracy promoted a value system that emphasised the customs, traditions and reverence of ancestors…
An altar of peace upon a field of war
Eighteen years after the battle of Actium decisively brought the civil wars to a foregone conclusion, the Roman Senate consecrated an altar…
10 Idioms from the Ancient World
Idioms are a collection of words whom’s meaning is not easily discernible from them individually. Only through usage and context are they…
10 Famous Suicides from the Ancient World
In the classical period (800 BC – AD 500), suicide held a different connotation than it does today. It was only at the Council of Arles in…
A Roman Burial Society to Diana & Antinous
A lecturer of Ancient History at Macquarie University once mentioned that the Romans could teach us a thing or two about bureaucracy. I’ve…
Punishments in the Roman Army
In the first episode of HBO’s acclaimed series Rome, we were lucky enough to see a form of punishment used within the Roman Army. Lucius…
10 Memorable Epitaphs from the Ancient World
Epitaphs from Ancient Rome and Greece provide an abundance of primary source material. It was the Roman orator Cicero who claimed the life…
The Fetters of Greece
In our previous post discussing the intentions of the Roman proconsul Titus Quinctius Flamininus when he proclaimed the Freedom of the…
Flamininus proclaims the freedom of the Greeks
At the Isthmian Games in 196 B.C., the Roman proconsul Titus Quinctius Flamininus proclaimed the ‘Freedom of the Greeks’ as the outcome of…