Sweet Spot Peloton Power Zone Rides

Sweet Spot training is a series of workouts containing intervals near your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). It’s hard enough that it works but easy enough that you can do it several times a week.

Times are Australian East Standard Time. Some classes might be a day off. Use “Ride Link”.

45 Min PZ - Matt Wilpers - 12/14/23

Peloton Powerzone Zone Sweet Spot: 12/14/23

Ride Link

30 Min PZ - Ben Alldis - 08/30/23

Peloton Powerzone Zone Sweet Spot: 08/30/23

Ride Link

30 Min PZ - Christine D’Ercole - 07/31/23

Peloton Powerzone Zone Sweet Spot: 07/31/23

Ride Link

30 Min PZ - Matt Wilpers - 05/18/23

Peloton Powerzone Zone Sweet Spot: 05/18/23

Ride Link

45 Min PZ - Matt Wilpers - 11/09/23

Peloton Powerzone Zone Sweet Spot: 11/09/22

Ride Link

45 Min PZ - Christine D’Ercole - 11/02/20

Peloton Powerzone Zone Sweet Spot: 11/02/20

Ride Link

About the author

For the past two decades, Scott McCulloch has worked with a variety of distributed computing technologies. He is currently focused on cloud-native applications.