Posts tagged as #peloton
Sweet Spot Peloton Power Zone Rides
Sweet Spot training is a series of workouts containing intervals near your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). It’s hard enough that it works…
Zone 2 Peloton Power Zone Rides
Everyone needs an easier ride. Here are some great recovery options in zone 2. Times are Australian East Standard Time. Some classes might…
Peloton Australia Referral Program & Codes
Recently I purchased a Peloton bike which has been the best purchase of the pandemic. However, I found their referral program a little…
Hardest Peloton Power Zone Rides
Below are the hardest powerzone rides I've found on the Peloton platform. I'll post my graphs as I complete them. #sjmcculloch The…
How to fix Peloton clicking/squeaky noise
Recently I discovered a clicking noise when my wife rode our brand new Peloton. When she would stand up on the bike (out of the saddle) a…
Integrating the Peloton API with GatsbyJS
I recently purchased a Peloton Bike+ and was amazed by the amount of raw statistics. It makes an ideal candidate for data integration…